My 1st photochromic glasses. I invested on a very good pair of spec, so I hope it will serve me for years. It is even lighter than my previous spec.
I might spend a lot on this but actually I have saved on buying another set of sunglass that might cost me a few hundred bucks.
Just 1 advice to those who also opting for a photochromic lens, don't go for a rimless as the lens are rather fragile (much brittle than normal lens). That's why I chose an almost full rim.
It can be a sunglass outdoor but not in car since cars nowadays have tinted film which filters uv rays. FYI, this type of lens rely on uv rays rather than light intensity.
I'm gonna 'sayang' this spec la...
Bye bye my old rusty spec ( uni friends, you all know la.... my old spec that served me almost half a decade)
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