Money is never enough. We do the tough way of earning it by working but some rather gambled it, hoping that one day, more will return. However, truth is, cost of gambling outweighs the returns. Most people buy lottery without understanding the probability of winning the number. Take a number 1234. The first number has 9 possibilities followed by10 possibilities for each subsequent numbers. Therefore, probability of hitting your number is 1/(9 x 10 x 10 x 10) = 1/9000. So you can bet on number 1234 for 9000 times and if your lucky, you might win in some early rounds. Otherwise, I wish you best of luck. Hah.. The best thing is, even a temple is manipulated to aid in lottery number prediction. There's so much humans can do today in the name of god. Lottery number prediction at a temple near my house. Fresh feed, updated daily.