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Showing posts from July 5, 2009

My First Passport

I have never been overseas. Across the sea I have which is very Penang Island. Pathetic. So this time I'm flying further, to Miri Sarawak. Still Malaysia but a passport I am required. Limited Travel Passport the name is. 10kbps connection denying me from uploading photos. Streamyx sucks Photo finally up after a week... RM 5.00 the cost is and simply amazed I am. Why does Malaysian immigration loves mess and hassle? Seems to me that MyKad can't prove your citizenship but a 5 ringgit passport will do the job. And finally, Star Wars suck.


I had an express music in exchange with my SE K810 with my uncle, but it lasted for a month only cause he found it easier to type chinese characters in a nokia than SE. Again, I swapped for a rather new SE W910. I always ended up with SE, like fated to. It was not bought but an award my uncle received for being the top seller for something (dunno what is it, but it's telco related). So, it's not bad, still a slide phone, albeit much thinner and nicer to hold and look much more sleek and wanting and.... very much fonded by the aesthetic value. I used this phone for usual task ie calling, sms-ing and snapping photo (the camera suck big time, I just use it in car park). Until today I decided to blog about it as I found a new feature. In walkman mode, shake it to the right/ left, you skip or return to the previous song. Shake it up and down, you reshuffle the song. Do it more often and you don't bother hitting aeroplane anymore... for the fact(fag) that your hitting a walkman p...