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Showing posts from September 13, 2009

Moving out in 10 hours

It is soon the end of my hotel stay. It feels like I've lost my money and forced to stay in a small rented area. I surely gonna miss 24/7 air con, daily housekeeping and breakfast buffet. Needless to say, a mall within reach. I should have taken the opportunity to try out other hotel. My advice to those who's gonna join Shell is to stayed at Imperial or Grand Palace for 2-3 weeks and then Marriott Hotel till the free stay ends. Then you experienced most of the hotel stay in Miri already. Perhaps moving out is also a good thing. I get to wash my car every week or 2 and uninterrupted internet connection. Anyway, accommodation and transportation are the least critical issue now. Career is a much tougher thing to deal with and it will take most of your lifetime. Man I feel like an working ant, what's the purpose, at the end of the day?


Somehow, I grew fond of her. I wanted to see her everyday, be with her. Today, I spent 3 hours washing her on the inside. Finally she's clean. I bet previously her master does not take care of her that well, can see from misalignment, poor hygiene etc. Then, in the evening I took her to an accessory shop and present her an arm rest. It suited her rather well. I've just kick started my career so hope she will bear with me. I promised to get her something nicer when I'm better off with my job. demure looking Man, I can't wait to see her in skirts. Her 'future' skirts... Don't swt...

Rediscovering Hobby

Just arrived hotel room, I decided to blog. 1 hour earlier, I felt so sleepy in my suite. no nice movie, no happenings. I had a simple dinner earlier due to uneasy stomach. So, I am bored and a little hungry and grabbed my car key and headed down to basement. I drove up to Hilltop area and down to town and then up to Luak and down to Pelita where I ended up with Char Kuey Teow in my stomach. It's fun to drive here at night. Empty, twisty roads, hilly slopes and smooth pavements and most importantly, I see no traffic police. That doesn't mean I'm speeding. I'm no speeder now. I'm more into appreciating conners and twists. I'm in a 1.3 Myvi and I was enjoying the ride. It could be better if the handling is more precise and encouraging. Power is not the priority for my ride now, it's the handling. I figured what I need to have in my Myvi. -A rear strut bar (I have one in front already) - GAB/ Eibach sports spring -15" light weight wheels - All round diffus...

1 Month @ Work

Things have been going well. Adapting well, eat well, sleep well... all for the compensation of living in a place.... far, far away from the world called West Malaysia. Have set my Task and Target for this quarter so I will have something to do and a good probation report to write. The problem now is... when to start. I am 1 month here already and for the whole next week, I won't have anything to do since my bosses are all on leave. Selamat Hari Raya! So hopefully after next week, I will have some serious work to do. oh oh btw, I learn to be more environmental friendly and aware of safety.

Transition Spectacle!

My 1st photochromic glasses. I invested on a very good pair of spec, so I hope it will serve me for years. It is even lighter than my previous spec. I might spend a lot on this but actually I have saved on buying another set of sunglass that might cost me a few hundred bucks. Just 1 advice to those who also opting for a photochromic lens, don't go for a rimless as the lens are rather fragile (much brittle than normal lens). That's why I chose an almost full rim. It can be a sunglass outdoor but not in car since cars nowadays have tinted film which filters uv rays. FYI, this type of lens rely on uv rays rather than light intensity. I'm gonna 'sayang' this spec la... Bye bye my old rusty spec ( uni friends, you all know la.... my old spec that served me almost half a decade)

My 1st Car

Make: Perodua Model: Myvi EZi Displacement: 1300 cc Transmission: Automatic Year of Make: 2008 Mileage: 24000 km Condition: Satisfactory with full service record Previous owner comment: Please take care of her New owner comment: I replied ' Sure man, she's still in good hand ' and drove back to office. On my way back, I drove 60-80kmh. The car juggled like a moving train and the steering wheel had to tilt 30 degrees to remain on straight line. There were rattles here and there. Suddenly I have a sense of regret, 'Have I got myself a Lemon!?' After work, I brought her for a medical check at a mechanic. The tyres were out of alignment and needs to be fixed. Part of the tyres are worn out unevenly, which caused the rattled. I got the car fixed and now the train effect is reduced. Passion my ass now...

Leaving the Comfort Zone

Picture courtesy of There's only a few days to the end of my hotel stay, company car and free time in the company. Next week, I'll be living at Pujut 5, renting an empty room there. Getting own car, meaning the need to bear maintaneance cost, monthly repayment etc. And work wise, I think my boss is starting to hand some work. Gonna be involved in a Shell 'co-curricular' activities soon..ahahaha. You don't run away from extra work. Hahahaha! However, I'm still far from being crazily insufficient time like my fellow colleagues.. Guess I gotta be ready to step out of my comfort zone and work my career! I need motivation! As geeky as it sounds, I really need it...

It's Never Clear in Miri City,

it's never clear in Miri City, but (indon)girl don't they warn ya It haze, man it haze.....

ToTo business diversity

They supply 'jamban's hand flush in Shell

AirAsia replaces KTMB

During my uni days, I used to travel back to Penang via train, KTMB. In the last decade, I've seen vast changes in KTMB. From normal CRT tele to Panasonic LCD TV, quieter ride, more punctual but ticket price has not changed much. Since travelling by train is tiring and time consuming, I travelled via train about 6 times a year. Now, I am hunting for cheap airfare. By end of 2009, I'll be flying 14 times in total. Damn. That's where most of my savings will go. Half of the trip accounts for connecting flights since there's no direct Miri-Penang flight. Hope Tony Fernandez sees this. I represent the North Peninsular Malaysian citizens who work And in total, travelling by air now is only 2-3 hours faster than by train I used to prefer.