We have a dog at Semenyih house, where I stay throughout the whole academic year of Uni Nottingham. It's called Buddy, belongs to Tommy, a housemate of mine.
Buddy was bought for RM300 from a lady who claimed that it was a Spitz. I thought it would be too general to classify a dog by Spitz because there are variety of dog breed that come under the term.
It turned out that Buddy appears to be a mix bred of German Shepherd and Labrador Retriever. We assume so. Nevertheless, my housemates and I adore him. He bites a lot and pee everywhere but time is all that we need to get all this fixed (as in trained).
Pictures of Buddy:

Buddy was bought for RM300 from a lady who claimed that it was a Spitz. I thought it would be too general to classify a dog by Spitz because there are variety of dog breed that come under the term.
It turned out that Buddy appears to be a mix bred of German Shepherd and Labrador Retriever. We assume so. Nevertheless, my housemates and I adore him. He bites a lot and pee everywhere but time is all that we need to get all this fixed (as in trained).
Pictures of Buddy:
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