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I am glad to be able to clinch a job in Shell through SRD. I did not give much hope in SRD beforehand because I took it as a challenge and more of a free test on my skills (can claim traveling and accommodation expensive*)

In my attempt to get jobs during my university time, no matter what the company is, I had been assisted by many people, my friends who offered me transportation convenience, interview and job advices, moral support and also those LYN forumers who shared their experience and attended to my inquiries on the net.

Therefore, I felt the responsibility to contribute some information that I have previously obtained both from exposure and enquiries. I hope the below information will help you to have a clearer picture of the SRD.

SRD is a one day event, which is design to assess the employability criteria set by Shell.
It begins with individual case study, followed by group discussion and a technical interview or a business case study if you are not from technical background.

There is a SRD pre-briefing a day before the SRD event so make full use of the day. Learn and try to identify your strength and weaknesses when practicing during the pre-briefing as it may be helpful in boosting confidence and also understand better what is expected during the SRD.

In here, I will not reveal or describe the task that I have done but I will share my experience vaguely. I believe that every person has his/ her unique way of dealing with problems.

Individual case study- You will be given many articles and pieces of information relating to several issues. You need to identify the issues from these articles and propose solution/ action to solve the issues.

Group discussion- You will be working in group of two to discuss on a certain plan or options that serve a certain stakeholder (maybe a few of them). In the end, you and your partner will gather with other groups to come out with the finalized options.

Technical interview- This appeared to be a much easier task to me. I had my interview done based on my Final Year Project. Try to understand your project well and try to be broader in the sense of technology involved, other direct and indirect issues, implication of work and constraints and also the people and stakeholders involved.

In overall you may need to consider/ give a thought on the following:
The stakeholders involved, not just who, but how, when and why
Timeline of your propose solutions/ actions
Linkages of identified issues and solutions/ actions
Relation of the case/project with reality
Thinking out of the box, think of how a certain action may solve not only the certain issue, but also developing other aspects as well.
Motivation, involvement between you and your group members

You may want to look at the criteria set based on CART:

You may need to look for further descriptions on these criteria on Shell website. Believe me, giving a deep thought on the CART criteria really helps.

Good luck to you and all the best in SRD.
* subjected to terms


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